Taking over someone else's e-learning design: challenges trigger change in e-learning beliefs and practices

  • Karen M. Scott Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Keywords: e-learning sustainability, e-learning beliefs and practices, reflection, longitudinal research


As universities invest in the development of e-learning resources, e-learning sustainability has come under consideration. This has largely focused on the challenges and facilitators of organisational and technological sustainability and scalability, and professional development. Little research has examined the experience of a teacher dealing with e-learning sustainability when taking over a course with an e-learning resource and associated assessment. This research focuses on a teacher who was inexperienced with e-learning technology, yet took over a blended unit of study with an e-learning resource that accounted for one-fifth of the subject assessment and was directed towards academic skills development relevant to the degree program. Taking a longitudinal approach, this research examines the challenges faced by the new teacher and the way she changed the e-learning resource and its implementation over two years. A focus of the research is the way the teacher's reflections on the challenges and changes provided an opportunity and stimulus for change in her e-learning beliefs and practices. This research has implications for the way universities support teachers taking over another teacher's e-learning resource, the need for explicit documentation of underpinning beliefs and structured handover, the benefit of teamwork in developing e-learning resources, and provision of on-going support.

Keywords: e-learning sustainability; e-learning beliefs and practices; reflection; longitudinal research

(Published: 30 July 2014)

Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2014, 22: 23362 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v22.23362


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How to Cite
Scott K. M. (2014). Taking over someone else’s e-learning design: challenges trigger change in e-learning beliefs and practices. Research in Learning Technology, 22. https://doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v22.23362
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