An exploratory study of students’ perceptions of learning management system utilisation and learning community

  • Hungwei Tseng Online@JSU, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL, USA
Keywords: learning management system, Community of Inquiry, perceived benefits, learning efforts


Blackboard Learn is one of the learning management systems (LMSs), which is used in teaching to manage user learning interventions and assist in the planning, distribution and evaluation of a specific learning process. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the functionalities of Blackboard Learn were used in online courses and how students perceived the benefits of using them. Also, the study was to investigate how students’ perceptions of teaching, cognitive and social presences within the Community of Inquiry and perceived benefits of using Blackboard Learn were related to their learning efforts. The results revealed that students who consider Blackboard tools more beneficial on their learning are most likely to have higher perceptions of teaching presence. Moreover, students’ learning efforts were increased primarily by students’ perceptions on perceived benefits of using Blackboard and secondarily by students’ perceptions of social presences. In conclusion, utilising LMS tools effectively in online courses can benefit students’ course work and would motivate them to put more efforts on their learning.


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How to Cite
Tseng H. (2020). An exploratory study of students’ perceptions of learning management system utilisation and learning community. Research in Learning Technology, 28.
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