Students’ perspectives of a study support (Studiosity) service at a University

  • David Pike Head of Digital Learning, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK
Keywords: Study support, Studiosity, evaluation, survey and Writing Feedback


Supporting students’ success and achievement is a key mission of WP (Widening Participation) institutions such as the University of Bedfordshire. An essential step in ensuring students succeed is the development of academic writing skills – these are vital during students’ studies and when students leave university study and undertake further study or enter graduate-level employment. During the 2021–2022 academic year, the University of Bedfordshire implemented a study support service called Studiosity, a service designed to provide students with formative feedback on drafts of their assessment tasks. This study utilises a survey instrument exploring Studiosity’s Writing Feedback (WF) service and addresses a gap in the literature where there is very little understanding of the details of students’ engagement with the system. The survey’s results indicate a mismatch between students’ assumptions about formative feedback provided by Studiosity. However, when students utilise Studiosity’s WF service, the personalised and specific feedback raises students’ confidence in their ability to write academically.


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How to Cite
Pike D. (2024). Students’ perspectives of a study support (Studiosity) service at a University. Research in Learning Technology, 32.
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