Technology-infused teams-games-tournaments in English language class: a mixed method study on students’ achievement and perception

Keywords: teams-games-tournaments, achievement, perception, English language learning


Technology in language instruction has become a new norm due to its effectiveness, and one example is the Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT) method. The purpose of this study is to measure students’ achievement in English language classes by using technology-infused TGT and ask the students to evaluate their learning experience with this method. This research involved 30 students as the control group and 30 students as the experimental group from two sections of the same general English course at a Thailand university. Pre- and post-tests of the control and the experimental group were conducted to assess the success of the method. At the end of the term, a questionnaire consisting of closed and open-ended questions was used to record the students’ perceptions. The findings showed that the experimental group’s scores were higher suggesting the success of the method in improving students’ achievement. The experimental group’s perceptions as expressed in the questionnaire under cooperation, motivation, achievement, and satisfaction were highly positive as students gave, on average, ratings of more than 4.0 to all categories. The implication of these findings was the effective application of this method in English classes.


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How to Cite
Anggoro K. J., & Khasanah U. (2024). Technology-infused teams-games-tournaments in English language class: a mixed method study on students’ achievement and perception. Research in Learning Technology, 32.
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