A reflexive evaluation of technology-enhanced learning

  • Suzanne Young Leeds Beckett University
  • Helen Nichols Leeds Beckett University
Keywords: learning technology, digital learning, student engagement, active learning, large cohorts, teaching and learning, social media


This article explores the lived experiences of two academics in a UK Higher Education Institution who have embedded digital learning approaches within their curriculum delivery. Achieving student excellence can be impeded by a lack of engagement and sense of identity on large courses. Digital learning strategies can offer opportunities to overcome these challenges by empowering students to engage self-confidently. Through an evaluation of the authors’ own experiences of using social media, polling and web-conferencing software, the article shows how interacting with students via a range of learning technologies can create more inclusive and engaging learning environments. Including feedback from students within this article provides evidence that diversification of communication within teaching and learning practice gives students more choice and opportunity to interact with both their peers and teaching staff. The article concludes with recommendations for embedding technology, whilst acknowledging the well-established value of face-to-face interaction.

Published: 10 November 2017

Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2017, 25: 1998 - http://dx.doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v25.1998


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Author Biographies

Suzanne Young, Leeds Beckett University

Senior Lecturer in Criminology

School of Social Sciences

Helen Nichols, Leeds Beckett University

Senior Lecturer in Criminology

School of Social Sciences

How to Cite
Young S., & Nichols H. (2017). A reflexive evaluation of technology-enhanced learning. Research in Learning Technology, 25. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v25.1998
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