Exploring learning analytics practices and their benefits through the lens of three case studies in UK higher education

  • Neil Dixon Anglia Learning and Teaching, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
  • Rob Howe Learning Technology, Library and Learning Services, University of Northampton, Northampton, UK
  • Uwe Matthias Richter Anglia Learning and Teaching, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
Keywords: Learning analytics, student data view, data infrastructure, data accuracy


Learning analytics (LA) provides insight into student performance and progress, allowing for targeted interventions and support to improve the student learning experience. Uses of LA are diverse, including measuring student engagement, retention, progression, student well-being and curriculum development. This article provides perspectives on the uses of LA in the UK through the analysis of an expert-led panel discussion held in June 2022. Two institutional case studies and a general overview from an LA service are presented, outlining examples of LA from both an institutional and national viewpoint. Following this, this article analyses the panel discussion themes in relation to the literature, covering both the data quality procedures and practices for learning, teaching and assessment. Outcomes and benefits from case studies are highlighted, which serve as best practice for other Higher Education institutions.


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How to Cite
Dixon N., Howe R., & Richter U. M. (2025). Exploring learning analytics practices and their benefits through the lens of three case studies in UK higher education. Research in Learning Technology, 33. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v33.3127
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