Patterns in students’ usage of lecture recordings: a cluster analysis of self-report data

  • Daniel Ebbert Institute for Psychology in Education, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
  • Stephan Dutke Institute for Psychology in Education, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Keywords: lecture recording, lecture capture, approaches to learning, educational technology evaluation, self-regulated learning


Students’ usage of lecture recordings can be characterised by usage frequency, repetitiveness and selectivity in watching, lecture attendance, and social context and location in which students watch the lecture recordings. At the University of Münster (Germany), the lecture recording service was evaluated over three semesters. The data were combined and used for a cluster analysis with the aim of being able to describe the students’ distinct usage patterns. The cluster analysis was performed using partitioning around medoids with Gower distance. Five clusters of students were identified, which differed mainly on the amount of lecture recordings watched, whether the lecture recordings were watched completely or partially, whether the recordings were watched once or multiple times, and the number of lectures the students missed. The five clusters are interpreted as representing different ways of utilising lecture recordings. The clustering provides a basis for investigating the usage of lecture recordings in the context of different approaches to learning and learning strategies.


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How to Cite
Ebbert D., & Dutke S. (2020). Patterns in students’ usage of lecture recordings: a cluster analysis of self-report data. Research in Learning Technology, 28.
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