Putting design into practice: An investigation of TPACK scores of lecturers in a networked institution

  • Khristin Fabian Perth College, University of Highlands and Islands, Perth, United Kingdom https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6321-2703
  • Emma Clayes Perth College, University of Highlands and Islands, Perth, United Kingdom
  • Laura Kelly Perth College, University of Highlands and Islands, Perth, United Kingdom
Keywords: blended learning, online learning, TPACK, learning design, technology integration, teachers


Demand for blended and online learning environments is increasing and concurrent with this is the changing competencies required for teachers to be able to facilitate learning in both face-to-face and virtual space. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a measure of teachers pedagogical, content and technical knowledge and their skill to embed technology in practice. Using the TPACK framework, this study explores the relationship between technical skills, learning design and how these relate to pedagogy. The study also investigates how TPACK varies by subject area, teaching qualification, and employment. A survey of 112 lecturers from a multi-campus university was conducted. We found that lecturers who have high TPACK tend to use more varied and interactive learning activities. TPACK did not significantly vary by subject area. It did not also vary between those who received a few trainings over the past year in comparison to those who didn’t. However, significant differences in TPACK were found in terms of nature of employment and teaching qualification in higher education. These findings suggest that there is a need to provide a varied approach to develop staff competencies.


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How to Cite
Fabian K., Clayes E., & Kelly L. (2019). Putting design into practice: An investigation of TPACK scores of lecturers in a networked institution. Research in Learning Technology, 27. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v27.2296
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