The effectiveness of flipped learning strategy in the development of scientific research skills in procedural research course among higher education diploma students

  • Omar M. Mahasneh Department of Basic and Applied Science, Faculty of Shobak University College, AL-Balqa Applied University, Al-salt, Jordan
Keywords: flipped learning strategy, Shoubak University College, scientific research skills, procedural research course


There have been efforts to investigate the effectiveness of the flipped learning strategy in the development of scientific research skills (SRS) in the procedural research course among higher education diploma students. However, studies examining the effectiveness of the flipped learning strategy in the development of SRS are, thus far, rare. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design, with two types of teaching methods. One research group was assigned to the flipped learning teaching method (n = 30) and the other to the conventional teaching method (n = 30). A multiple-choice SRS test was developed and used. The results showed that the flipped learning teaching method was more effective than the conventional teaching method, in gauging students’ SRS.


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How to Cite
Mahasneh O. M. (2020). The effectiveness of flipped learning strategy in the development of scientific research skills in procedural research course among higher education diploma students. Research in Learning Technology, 28.
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