Increasing the attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction (ARCS) of students through interactive science learning multimedia

  • Herianto Educational Science Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Insih Wilujeng Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: attention, confidence, relevance, satisfaction, interactive science learning multimedia


The use of interactive multimedia has the potential to create a high-quality learning environment. The key elements of various media, user control over information delivery and interactivity can be used to improve the learning process by creating an integrated learning environment. This study aims to determine the increase in students’ attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction (ARCS) before and after using interactive science learning multimedia. This study collected data from 30 students aged 12–13 years from a junior high school in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. Data collection was done using learning motivation questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used paired sample t-test. The results of this study are that the learning motivation aspects of ARCS after using interactive science learning multimedia have increased significantly. However, the relevance aspect of students’ learning motivation did not increase significantly.


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How to Cite
Herianto, & Wilujeng I. (2021). Increasing the attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction (ARCS) of students through interactive science learning multimedia. Research in Learning Technology, 29.
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