Pursuing professional learning by using social media: how do instructional designers apply self-regulated learning?

  • Pauline Salim Muljana James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, California State University, San Bernardino, CA, USA https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0668-9083
  • Tian Luo Darden College of Education and Professional Studies, Old Dominion University, VA, USA
Keywords: instructional designer, professional learning, self-regulated learning, social media


The instructional design and technology field are dynamic, requiring instructional designers to stay abreast through timely professional learning. Social media offers characteristics to collapse the time, geographical, and financial limitations of informal professional learning, but challenges exist. Continuous professional learning requires proactive actions, wherein self-regulated learning (SRL) plays an important role. However, not all professionals know the effective strategies to promote SRL skills. This study examines instructional designers’ (N = 17) experiences of professional learning on social media through an SRL lens. Data collected through semi-structured interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings include SRL strategies conducted by instructional designers and the challenges they faced. This study informs instructional-design professionals and educators of ways to encourage continuous professional learning using social media while fostering SRL simultaneously.


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How to Cite
Muljana P. S., & Luo T. (2023). Pursuing professional learning by using social media: how do instructional designers apply self-regulated learning?. Research in Learning Technology, 31. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v31.2934
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