Learning patterns and risks in distance learning during the COVID-19 lockdown – the pupils’ perspective in drama pedagogy-based focus groups

  • Ádám Cziboly Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2473-9021
  • Ádám Bethlenfalvy Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4251-8161
  • Szilvia Németh T-Tudok Centre for Knowledge Management and Educational Research Inc., Budapest, Hungary
  • Richárd Rajnai T-Tudok Centre for Knowledge Management and Educational Research Inc., Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: digital education, COVID-19, cyberbullying, drama pedagogy, drama in education, Global Kids Online


In this study, primary school pupils have been surveyed using the methodology of drama pedagogy, focusing on two research questions: what the risks of online activities are and how children cope with these, and what the experiences of children with distance learning were. This study investigated both areas jointly from the pupils’ perspective. Three anonymous online focus groups were conducted with 16 Hungarian pupils (4 boys and 12 girls; age range: 11–15 years) in July 2020, who joined to the research on a voluntary basis and have been recruited from three rural counties with different socioeconomic backgrounds. Respondents unequivocally recounted that during the lockdown, they had spent a significant part of their time in front of a screen, mostly without adult supervision. Whilst most only experienced different forms of teasing, some cyberbullying instances bordered on criminal cases and required the involvement of parents. High exposure to such risks was experienced during the months when online learning mainly consisted of receiving assignments to work on, and most teachers were almost unavailable. Future research could compare the experiences of pupils and teachers, creating an online safe space for them where they could respond to each other’s perceptions, interpretations and opinions anonymously.


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How to Cite
Cziboly Ádám, Bethlenfalvy Ádám, Németh S., & Rajnai R. (2023). Learning patterns and risks in distance learning during the COVID-19 lockdown – the pupils’ perspective in drama pedagogy-based focus groups. Research in Learning Technology, 31. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v31.2968
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