Exploiting opportunities computers provide to deliver content people can use in context

  • Andy Heath


As a contributor to the IMS (2004) AccessForAll work and co-editor of its development in ISO (2005a, b, c), I find it pleasing to see our work being implemented and enlightening to see some of the ways that ideas one has worked on are interpreted, and discover these are not always ways that were intended. Although I am fortunate enough to have been able to participate in the AccessForAll work, the views I present here are my own and may or may not reflect those of my co-editors in that work. I shall address some of the fundamental ideas in the paper in the light of the AccessForAll approach.

DOI: 10.1080/09687760600668636


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How to Cite
Heath A. (2006). Exploiting opportunities computers provide to deliver content people can use in context. Research in Learning Technology, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v14i2.10956
Discussion section