The development of accessibility practices in e-learning: an exploration of communities of practice

  • Jane Seale


The UK’s 2001 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act has charged learning technologists with the responsibility of ensuring that electronic teaching materials can be accessed by disabled students. In an attempt to explore how learning technologists are developing practices to produce accessible electronic materials this paper will present a review of the accessibility literature and identify key issues that may influence the ‘accessibility’ practices of learning technologists. These emerging issues are interpreted using Wenger’s theory of communities of practice, with a particular emphasis on the development of accessibility practices that may be shared by a number of related communities of practices and on how the focus of accessibility practices may soon shift from the product to the process of accessibility.

DOI: 10.1080/0968776042000211539


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How to Cite
Seale J. (2004). The development of accessibility practices in e-learning: an exploration of communities of practice. Research in Learning Technology, 12(1).
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